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Hey, I am Leo Moko!

Hey, I am Leo Moko!

Hey there! I'm Liyolo Mesting Moko, but you can just call me Leo Moko. I'm on a journey of curiosity, exploring the twists and turns that life throws at me and sharing my discoveries along the way.

Growing up, I always had a knack for seeing things a little differently. While my friends played in groups, I often found myself wandering off on my own, soaking in the world around me in my own quiet way. Raised in a bustling household under the loving guidance of my late grandmother, I learned the value of embracing my individuality and embracing the journey of self-discovery.

As I navigated through my interests, I found myself drawn to the unconventional. From sports to technology and even a few failed attempts at karate, my journey has been anything but ordinary. It was my late older brother, a passionate computer enthusiast, who first introduced me to the world of technology, igniting a spark within me that continues to drive my passions today.

Immersing myself in the world of computers, I discovered a fascination for uncovering patterns and exploring the untapped potential of technology to connect people and enhance our experiences. While watching "The Social Network" in 2011, I felt a surge of inspiration, a desire to create and innovate that has stayed with me ever since.

Leo as a Programmer
Leo as a Founder

In high school, I found my passion for Computer Application Technology (CAT), solidifying my resolve to pursue a career in technology. University provided the perfect platform to further hone my skills and knowledge, preparing me for the journey ahead.

After graduating, I eagerly ventured into the corporate world, driven by a thirst for practical experience before pursuing my entrepreneurial aspirations. However, as the confines of a conventional 9-to-5 routine began to stifle my creativity, I realized it was time for a change. In July 2023, I made the bold decision to break free from corporate constraints and dedicate myself fully to my passions.

A pivotal moment came in July 2017, just a year into my corporate journey, when I took a leap of faith and resigned to pursue my entrepreneurial dreams. This decision marked the birth of Cqudefus, a software development company founded on my unwavering determination to create innovative solutions. Despite facing numerous challenges along the way, I returned to the corporate sector in 2018 to further broaden my expertise. Nevertheless, I remained steadfast in my pursuit, pouring countless hours into honing my skills and nurturing my entrepreneurial vision.

In 2020, I began to refine my ideas and aspirations, seeking to translate them into tangible initiatives. This led to the inception of FirstEleven Inc, a platform where I could bring together a variety of projects and services under one umbrella. With a focus on making meaningful contributions to industries and communities.

Outside of work, I find solace in artistic pursuits, losing myself in the pages of a good book or capturing fleeting moments of beauty through my photography. Join me on this journey of discovery as we explore new horizons of invention, creativity, and endless possibility.

Warm regards,
Liyolo Mesting Moko
(Leo Moko)

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